Losing the lower belly fat isn’t simple at all. Doing ordinary abs moves won’t help you to strenghten your lower abs. It’s hard to target those tough-to-get muscles if you are not doing the right exercises.
These 5 super tough exercises will definitely help you flatten your lower belly.
Rolling Plank
This exercise strengthens your lower abs and lower back.
Start with a plank position. Then, rotate to your left side and into a side plank. Hold for 10 seconds, then rotate into a right side plank and hold for another 10 seconds. That’s one rep. Return to a plank position and repeat 10 times.
Cross-Body Mountain Climbers
This exercise targets your lower abs, low back and hips.
Start with a pushup position with your arms completely straight. Then, lift your right knee toward your left elbow, lower, then raise your left knee toward your right elbow. That’s one rep. Repeat 10 times.
This exercise targets your deep abdominal muscles in your lower abs.
Lie flat with your feet flexed at the ankles, and your arms reaching back. Inhale as you bring your arms forward, shoulder-width apart, and plant the backs of your shoulders on the mat. Continue inhaling as you lift your head through your arms and begin rolling up and forward. Exhale with control as you continue forward, reaching your arms across the room and trying to touch your forehead to your knees. Reverse the movements as you inhale back to first position. That’s one rep. Repeat 10 times.
Swiss-Ball Jackknife
This exercise targets your deep abdominal muscles in your lower belly, hips, and low back.
Start with your arms completely straight. Put your feet on a Swiss ball. Your body should be in a straight from. Then, roll the Swiss ball toward your chest by pulling it forward with your feet. Pause and return the ball to the starting position by rolling it backward. That’s one rep. Repeat 10 times.
Hanging Leg Raise
This exercise targets your lower abs and low back.
Grab a chinup bar with an overhand shoulder-width grip, and hang from the bar with your knees slightly bent and feet together. Then, bend your knees, raise your hips, and curl your lower back underneath you as you lift your thighs toward your chest. Pause when the fronts of your thighs reach your chest , and slowly lower your legs back to the starting position. That’s one rep. Repeat 10 times.