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Get Serious About your Health with Nutritional Supplements

Summer may be drawing to a close here in Toronto, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get your beach body in fall, winter, or any other time in the year that you’re ready to get fit. As an older woman, that’s no easy task. You simply don’t have the energy (or the muscle mass) that you used to, which can go a long way to working out and reaching your goals. Certain exercises are just better left to the young ones who can bounce back from the stress faster. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t any exercises that can strengthen and tone your pre- or post-menopausal body. A personal trainer in Toronto can design a fitness regime tailor-made for your strengths, your weaknesses, and your metabolism.


Due to your specific needs, the weight loss program for women over 40 in Toronto shouldn’t be the same as those regimes designed for people in their 20s. Your body burns and stores fat in different ways, and your program should address these peculiarities in your biology. That means the top personal trainer Toronto has to offer should design a comprehensive package that combines special exercises, nutrition tips, and supplementation.

Focusing solely on the body may work for those with racing metabolisms. As long as they increase the amount of activity they have in a day, their bodies will naturally burn away excess calories to reveal the sculpted muscles they’re building with their trainers. Unfortunately, your metabolism hasn’t worked that way in a while. As a woman in past her forties, increasing your cardio isn’t enough to slough off the spare tire you have around your middle.

In order to target your trouble areas and uncover a fitter, stronger you, you need the complete package, and the top personal trainers Toronto women trust to do that can create a unique plan that offers meal plans and supplements that will complement the exercises they lead. These supplements are hand-picked by experts like Igor Klibanov, who have extensive knowledge about menopause. Their diet provides enough healthy fuel to energize you throughout your training, to burn off fat, and to support the growth of new muscles.

Your diet will become the building blocks for your journey towards fitness, so don’t underestimate the need for a personal trainer who can offer adviceabout nutrition and supplementation. When you have a comprehensive plan of attack, you can target your unwanted pounds and become the fitter, more confident self you’ve wanted to be — no matter what your age!