Forget those complex weight machines and endless leg lifts. These 7 moves will help you sculpt and tone your thighs in the comfort of your own home.
Bent-Knee Extension
Targets: Hamstrings (back of thigh)
Lie on the floor, put arms by your side and put heels on a stability ball shoulder-width apart with bent knees at 90 degrees. Lift hips toward the ceiling. Hold for 5 seconds, then lower. Perform 10 reps.
Seated Leg Raise
Targets: Quads (front of thigh)
Sit on the floor, while your back is pressed into a wall. Extend your legs in front of you. Raise right leg off the floor as high as you can, then lower it without touching the floor. Perform 20 continuous reps. Repeat with left leg.
Scissor Kick
Targets: Adductors (inner thigh)
Lie on the floor, put arms by your side and extend your legs. Lift legs at 45 degrees with pointing toes. Quickly open and close your legs, crossing the right thigh over the left and then reversing the movement. Perform 15 reps per side.
Extended Leg Curl
Targets: Hamstrings (back of thigh)
Lie on the floor, put arms by your side and put heels on a stability ball shoulder-width apart. Lift hips toward ceiling. Hold for 5 seconds, then slowly pull the ball toward your body, while keeping your hips lifted, then roll it back to the start. Perform 10 reps.
Single-Leg Wall Extension
Targets: Quads (front of thigh)
Stand upright with feet shoulder-width apart, while your back is pressed into a wall. Bend your knees at 90 degrees. Straighten your right leg. Hold for 5 seconds, then lower. Perform 10 reps. Repeat with left leg.
Ballerina Squat with Knee Bend
Targets: Adductors (inner thigh)
Stand upright with feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees at 45 degrees. Then, shift your body weight to the left side, keeping left knee bent while straightening right leg. Hold for 3 seconds, then switch sides and repeat. Perform 10 reps with each leg.
Single-Leg Hip Curl
Targets: Hamstrings (back of thigh)
Lie on the floor, put arms by your side and put heels on a stability ball shoulder-width apart. Lift your right leg toward ceiling. Hold for 3 seconds, then slowly pull the ball toward your body using your left leg, keeping your hips lifted. Roll back to start and repeat. Perform 10 reps with each leg.