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Homemade Lotion That Will Help You Remove Ingrown Hair

Many women struggle with ingrown hair. Ingrown hairs are actually hairs that are curled around and grown back into your skin. Anyone can have ingrown hair and they mainly occur in people that have curly hair. This can happen because dead skin cells clog up your hair follicle or just because that`s the natural growth pattern of your hair. That is why so important to always exfoliate before waxing or shaving.


Having ingrown hair isn’t dangerous, but it’s a serious aesthetic problem. If you want to get rid of the unwanted ingrown hairs the natural way, you can try using this amazing, homemade lotion made from oils.

Here’s what you’ll need to prepare this amazing lotion:

  • 5 drops incense oil
  • 5 drops lavender oil
  • 10 drops tea tree oil
  • 2-3 tbsp. Vaseline


Mix all ingredients. Apply the mixture every day on the areas where you have ingrown hair.