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How to Clean an Electric Toothbrush – The Ultimate Guide

An electric toothbrush is a wonderful and helpful piece of the kit when it comes to the overall dental health. Now, the only problem with the electric toothbrush is the cleaning part. As we all know, every electric toothbrush is combined from two different parts, the body, and the head.

Anyhow, the cleaning of the body and the head of an electric toothbrush is not that hard at all. Let’s see exactly how you can clean your toothbrush.

2 Important Steps – Cleaning of the Electric Toothbrush

Since the electric toothbrush is made out of the two parts, we are going to discuss the cleaning process of both of these two parts individually.

1) Cleaning of the head

Now, let’s see what exactly you do need to do in order to clean the head of an electric toothbrush.

  • Mix bleach and water in a plastic bowl

First of all, you need to prepare the mix of the bleach and the water in order to wash the head of an electric toothbrush in it. Now, you need to take one part of bleach and mix it with 10 parts of water. The container where you create the mixture should be big enough for head of the toothbrush to sink in.

  • Wipe the head of the toothbrush

Next, you need to take the head of an electric toothbrush and wipe it with a clean piece of cloth. Namely, take a dip with the clean cloth in a toothbrush solution and wipe the toothbrushes head with it.

  • Sink the toothbrush in the mixture

Now, place the toothbrushes head in the bleach and water solution so you can ensure that it gets cleaned properly. Leave it there for an hour and wait for it to be cleaned perfectly. After that, just need to get it out of the bleach and water mixture.

  • Rinse the head of the electric toothbrush

The last step is to rinse the head with water and get the whole process of cleaning the head of an electric toothbrush over with. This way, you will ensure that water cleans the toothbrush perfectly.

2) Cleaning of the handle

Nearly the same process is done in the cleaning of the handle as well. Namely, all you need to do is to repeat all of the steps for cleaning of the head, but don’t sink the handle in the mixture this time.

  • Bleach and water solution

Make the bleach and water solution and dip a piece of cloth in it so you can use to clean your toothbrush’s handle. Make sure to clean it good with the piece of cloth you got.

  • Clean the attached area as well

The most important part to clean is the attachment part. This is where the head and the handle combine themselves into a toothbrush. Clean this part properly and with care.

  • Don’t sink it in the water

Since the handle is the most important part of an electric toothbrush, it isn’t a good idea to sink it in the water since it will stop working that way. Just make sure to clean it with the piece of cloth and not sink it in the water.


With the whole instruction guide like this, cleaning of the electric toothbrush has never been easier. Namely, we have provided everything you need to know in order to clean your electric toothbrush in no time.

Just make sure to the cleaning part every once in a while in order to maintain your toothbrush in the best possible way. Thanks for reading this article and you can check this blog to learn more about electric toothbrushes:  http://www.oralcarehome.com/