It’s okay to be sceptical about something you have never tried before, and Osteopathy is a no exception to this notion. Since the therapy targets key pain areas and involves the intervention of a skilled practitioner, it’s instinctive to hold back.
Before you pick up your phone and book an appointment with your nearest Osteopath in London or wherever you are based, you will want to know whether Osteopathy is safe for you or not, or if you are the right candidate for this therapy in the first place. So here’s what you need to know.
Osteopathy is a non-invasive therapy that involves manipulation of the musculoskeletal system to facilitate healing and general wellbeing.
In some cases, Osteopathy works as a standalone procedure, but usually, it’s a complementary therapy that helps improve the effectiveness of conventional treatments. For instance, if you were going through post-surgery rehabilitation, taking Osteopathy therapy alongside it would speed up recovery and ensure faster, long-lasting relief. Since there’s no going under the knife or swallowing pills, the results might take some time to show.
Who is the right candidate for Osteopathy therapy?
Osteopathy is not for everyone, and your local osteopath can explain that to you better. But here you can get a general idea of who is the right candidate for osteopathy therapies.
Anyone who is suffering from chronic back, neck or muscle pain can benefit from the osteopathic touch. Individuals with poor posture and even degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis have found relief with the therapy.
If you are an athlete or indulge in a strenuous workout routine to stay in shape, you might pull a nerve or develop pain in joints and lower back over the course. Because relying largely on surgical treatments or medications might hamper your physical ability and stamina, osteopathy is a saving grace in such scenarios. In fact, your sore muscles will feel better and your body will be able to push its limits without straining your bones and muscles.
Osteopathy during pregnancy
A woman goes through a lot during her maternity phase. From headaches to mood-swings to digestive problems and inevitable stress, all these things accumulate to make the life of a mother-to-be more difficult. However, regular osteopathy sessions can help with the structural changes that the body goes through such as those to ligaments and to the pelvis. Overall this can make the phase less painful so you can cherish this beautiful phase to the fullest.
During pregnancy, your body undergoes postural changes as the fetus grows. These changes are accompanied by softening of ligaments which can strain your joints, back, neck and shoulder. Osteopathy is a safe and gentle therapy that helps normalise your body’s structure as well as various functions that depend on it. In most cases, osteopathy is safe for both the mother and the child, but you must consult your doctor and a reputed osteopath before opting for the therapy.
Is it safe for everyone?
Circling back to the main point. Although osteopathy has little-to-no side-effects, that doesn’t make it suitable for one and all. But looking at the bigger picture, the benefits outnumber the risks.
A small percentage of individuals may be allergic to the lotions and oils that are used during osteopathy therapies. However, this can be fixed by using oils which are specifically formulated for the sensitive skin.
Another side-effect could be extreme post-session tiredness, which will go away as you wake up the next morning, feeling fresh and energetic.
Besides relieving you of physical pain, Osteopathy is an effective way to improve blood circulation and alleviate stress. All it takes is one quick consultation with a reliable osteopath and establish whether or not can you opt for the therapy. You have nothing to lose.