Is your skin prone to acne? Are you suffering from red, inflamed skin? All these skin problems can be very painful and embarrassing. However, there is a natural remedy that will help you solve your skin problem, and you can plant it even in your yard – fresh tomato!
All you need for healthy, smooth and acne free skin is fresh organic tomatoes.
Tomatoes are rich in vitamins like Vitamins A, C, E, K, and B6, which provide your skin with needed nourishment. Using tomatoes in your daily skin care routine can help you clear acne and reduce the acne scars. The acidity in tomatoes can help balance the pH levels in your skin and reduce breakouts.
Here is how to use tomato as a skin care treatment:
If you do not have enough time, just slice the tomato in half and rub it on the affected areas on your face. Massage the juice into your skin and rinse with warm water.
Tomato face mask for acne free skin:
Take a tomato and slice and X into the top of it. Then, place the tomato under warm water for about a minute and remove the skin. Remove the tomato seeds and mash up the tomato into a paste. Apply the paste on your face and let it stay for about an hour, then rinse well with lukewarm water. This treatment is great even for reducing heavy acne.
To reduce painful acne just add mashed cucumber or yogurt to the mask mixture.
Tomato juice face wash:
Mix 1 tbsp. tomato juice with a few drops of lemon juice. Apply this mixture to the affected areas on your face and let it stay for about 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.