Toys are perfect tools for stimulating the brain and body activities of your child. Your child doesn’t need a huge range of toys, but only necessary ones who provides a range of different play activities.
Choose at least one of the above groups of toys for improving child`s motor skills:
- Action toys: A plastic structure with surfaces for climbing, play tunnels, spinning seats, big cartons for crawling…
- Pull toys: kids lawn mowers, toy baby carriages, string animals…
- Sports toys: Foam balls, big rubbers, kids bike, backyard play toys…
These types of kids toys improve their balance and build arm and leg strength.
- Building toys: shape sorters, stacking cups, stacking rings, plastic or foam blocks…
- Art toys: different types of papers and colorful crayons and pencils, washable markers for kids boards, coloring books…
- Manipulating toys: kids jigsaws, plastic or foam puzzles, musical instruments…
This toy group helps kids with hand and eye coordination and they are good for improving fine motor skills.
- Kids books: picture colorful books, children cards…
- Play props: Dress-up clothes, household props, kids set for playing, dolls and playing figures.
These kids toys emphasize child speaking and pre-reading skills.