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How Lean Should You Be? Ideal Body Fat Percentage for Women

Everyone wants to look good. Everyone wants to be healthy, too.

Your body fat percentage is a great way to help you measure your current health and determine how far you are from your health goals.


And body fat percentage will even help you to determine how far you are from looking your best. Body fat percentage measure the amount of body fat compared to the amount of muscle in your body.

Remember, body fat is a good thing when we manage it and keep it at an ideal level. Our body uses fat for a variety of different things including protecting internal organs and controlling your body temperature.

When it comes to body fat, you should aim for health first and looks second.

For women, the ideal body fat percentage is around 20% and below. That will qualify you to be “in shape.” Anything around 15% will include a more defined look, while anything below 10% will achieve that coveted athletic look.

There are a few different ways to measure your body fat percentage.

Measuring Your Body Fat Percentage
1. BIA Scales

While scales can sometimes feel like your worst enemy, think of a body fat scale like that best friend who tells you like it is.

She’s there to help you achieve your goals and she’ll be with you through the whole thing. Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) scales send a low-level electrical signal through your body and measure how quickly it passes through your body tissue.

Using this measurement, it can estimate your body fat percentage. There are some scales that are better than others, though. You’ll want to make sure to get one of the best scales.

2. Calipers

Calipers are an instrument that can help you manually measure your body fat percentage. These clamps measure your body fat by taking measurements of certain areas of your body.

Calipers often require the help of a fitness professional or friend to obtain all the measurements. The process involves pinching various areas of fat away from the muscle.

These measurements are put into an equation and will give your body fat percentage number. You can find this caliper equation on many phone apps or online.

Seeing Your Progress

Another thing you can do to help yourself lose weight and improve your body fat percentage is taking photos.

As you improve, this will not only give you a tangible expression of your body fat percentage; it will motivate you to improve even more.

Take a picture every few days and compare the areas. Measure your body fat percentage every time you take a photo.

Print out the pictures and label them according to your percentage that day. When you reach your goals you will be able to sit down and see all the progress you’ve made! You’ll be able to see not only the external results but also the actual numerical health improvements right alongside.


How to Reduce Body Fat

The best way to reduce your body fat percentage is diet and exercise. Here are two important things to remember:

  1. A healthy diet doesn’t work without exercise. No matter your diet, if you’re not burning more calories than you’re taking in you won’t lose weight. While jogging or walking is a good way to start, sprinting and weight lifting will burn more calories. As you exert lots of energy all at once, your body has to adjust to the new output. This will burn more calories.
  1. Exercise doesn’t work without a healthy diet. You do not need to take up some new fad diet, but how you eat will determine your results. No matter your level of exercise, the number of calories you’re taking in must be lower than the number you burn. Cutting out an evening snack and drinking water instead of soda or tea is a good place to start.

All in all, be healthy for you. Reducing your body fat percentage will help you to feel good in your own skin and increase your quality of life.