Mapping where you get acne on your body can help pinpoint health problems and bad lifestyle habits.
Acne on the buttocks can occur as a result of wearing too tight underwear or due to imbalanced diet. To get rid of acne on the lower part of the body, you need to start more comfortable underwear made of cotton, and to make some changes in your diet.
Acne on the jaw and neck can be a sign of excessive sugar intake or overactive adrenal glands.
Acne around your shoulders and back can occur as a result of stress and nervous disorders that affect the digestive tract.
Acne on your chest can be a sign of digestive problems or drinking too much cold beverages.
Acne on your elbows might be a sign of vitamin deficiency, also a symptom for poor blood circulation.
Acne on your stomach and pubic area can be a sign of blood sugar imbalance.
Acne on your legs can occur as a result of allergy to soap or lotion.
Remember, always consult your dermatologist for any skin changes.