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Stomach Vacuuming: This One Exercise Will Help You Get a Flat Stomach in Just 2 Weeks

You don’t have to put a lot of efforts and do countless abs exercises to get a flat stomach. We have discovered the easiest exercise that will help you get the abs of your dreams in no time.


Forget the crunches, stomach vacuuming is the easiest way to get flat abs.

The secret behind this incredible exercise is just breathing right.

“By breathing correctly during the exercise, you activate and strengthen your deepest abdominal muscles, by simply contracting it.” explains Rich Sturla, personal trainer at the British center ‘Results, Health and Performance’ in England.

If you do this exercise right, you’ll strengthen your core, stabilize your spine, eliminate lower back pain and improve your posture.

When you wake up, lay on your back with bent knees and feet on the mattress. Inhale and exhale and suck in your stomach as much as you can. The more you suck in your stomach, the more you activate your muscles.

Keep your stomach sucked in for at least 15 seconds at the beginning. Then progress to hold the squeeze for up to 60 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.

The harder version: Try it on your hands and knees, sitting straight up in a chair, or on a Swiss ball. suck in your stomach as much as you can.

If you do this exercise regularly and eat healthy, you’ll see amazing results in just 2 weeks.