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Tag: insurance

Affordable Care Act insurance

The Importance of the Affordable Care Act in Insurance

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), enacted in 2010, was pivotal in the U.S. healthcare system. Its primary objective was to make healthcare more accessible, affordable, and comprehensive for all Americans, especially previously uninsured or underinsured. …
tips to keep your engagement ring safe

4 Tips To Keep Your Engagement Ring Safe

Your engagement ring is more than just a piece of jewelry; it’s a symbol of love and commitment. Ensuring its safety and longevity should be a top priority. Here are four practical tips to keep …

Why Do You Need A Health Insurance Plan?

No one ever wishes to get hospitalized for days or weeks or to let diseases interrupt their financial planning, but the reality is never according to what we wish. The disease doesn’t warn you before …

4 Things That Are Strangely Illegal in Canada

Drinking and driving is illegal, and it is pretty understandable why. However, across the world, there are strange laws that make people scrunch their brows up in confusion. Let’s take a closer look at some …

Top 3 Types of Insurance to Consider

Taking out insurance never seems like an easy task, and you can never be sure whether you are getting the right deal. However, using an insurance broker like Caspian Insurance can help you to find …

5 Career Options for Those Who Love DIY

If you’re the creative type who enjoys the rewarding feeling a hard-fought project can bring once accomplished, then you’ve probably considered taking your hobby to the next level. Starting a new career centered around your …