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What is Taught in DUI Classes

Drunk driving and other forms of impaired driving are some of the most common and most dangerous criminal offenses. Impaired driving presents a unique set of challenges that set it apart from other offenses. With almost no pattern or predictability, individuals from all walks of life find themselves facing charges in connection with driving under the influence or driving while intoxicated. There are many programs and campaigns which attempt to educate drivers before this happens, but once it has already happened, it may be even more important to educate those involved on how to avoid repeating their acts.

DUI and DWI offenses come with a vast range of penalties, including fines, monitors, ignition lock devices, suspension or revocation of the driver’s license, and jail or prison sentences. Among those penalties are requirements to take classes, aimed at educating drivers on not only the dangers of drunk driving and impaired driving but of the ways to avoid finding themselves in a situation where impaired judgement might lead to them getting behind the wheel.

DUI Classes are Required for Everybody with a DUI or DWI

Drivers with DUI or DWI related convictions are required to take DUI classes along with serving any other penalties handed down by the judge. DUI education may prevent future problems and arrests. Without the successful completion of the classes, a driver may be assessed additional fines and penalties, and may not be able to return to the road. Most drivers will have to pay for these classes themselves, and complete them within a specified time frame.

The classes feature a heavy focus on personal responsibility. They aim to ensure that drivers are fully aware of all of the legal consequences that go along with the decision to drive despite being impaired. These classes go beyond simply the legal consequences, which can often seem vague and distant, and also delve into the personal consequences, such as how a conviction and the related penalties can affect a person’s job, family life, social life, ability to move freely and independently, and the consequences in other areas.
DUI classes aim to avoid making assumptions about general knowledge, and teach students the exact effects drugs and alcohol on the body and the mind, explaining at length why a person is biologically unable to operate a vehicle after having consumed alcohol or certain other substances.

The Goals of DUI Classes

The classes examine the reasons for high risk behavior, and force students to examine themselves for psychological factors that contribute to poor decision making. Many DUI classes provide mandatory counseling, to provide therapy for individuals with addictions and help participants understand what led to their decisions to drive impaired and change those patters. The consequences of impaired driving can be vague and abstract, and one goal of DUI classes is to break down the tendency to look past the potential impact on others. Many DUI classes include some form of victim awareness. This can be in the form of personal discussions or panels with victims of impaired drivers, or through watching recorded interviews and other videos.

Each state has its own laws and requirements for DUI convictions and the classes that must follow. The amount of time required in classes varies with each state. Every class aims to pack valuable information into any given time frame, and to prepare drivers to return to the road and to their normal lives with lowered risk of finding themselves back in court.