Almost all people want to have their skin looking great. When you have some blemishes and scars caused by acne or a tattoo that you had while you were young and now regret having it, and that seems not to fade away may make you so uncomfortable. Having something on your skin that makes you uncomfortable is not a very interesting thing; that’s why you need to consider having a Pico layer for yourself. Here are some of the main reasons why you need to have a Pico layer.
Healing Acne Scars
After experiencing an acne problem, you may end up having scars; these scars sometimes may seem impossible to get rid of. The scars may sometimes go deep that may be difficult to eliminate, even with one of the best skincare products available out there. Acne’s raised areas and pigmentation may look shallow, but they may be very resistant to the surfacing skincare product options available. However, the Pico laser has been seen to improve the general appearance of scars caused by acne and also reduce pigmentations. The Pico laser penetrates your skin layers to heal the damage by breaking up the spot on your skin with the picosecond technology. After undergoing a few treatment sessions at Cambridge medical, clinic in Singapore, several patients have seen improvement in reducing the appearance of the scars and improved skin tone.
Skin Rejuvenation to Youthful Appearance
If you have ever faced any persistent skin challenge, you also need to consider using a Pico laser. Since your skin was damaged, you might have developed fine lines and wrinkles that may make you look older than you are. The Pico laser Singapore uses skin resurfacing by targeting the dermal skin layers to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. An increase in the growth of collage reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This leads to tighter and more rejuvenated skin resulting in a youthful and radiant complexion. Your skin can also heal naturally and doesn’t need a long time to do so.
Helps in Tattoo Removal
The Pico laser uses the energy pulses in the shortest time given to target various kinds of tattoo ink and pigments, even those deepest inked. This process creates pressure waves, which break the tattoo ink into much smaller particles. Most lasers usually depend on light or heat to split the tattoo ink, allowing the body to absorb it, hence reducing its color. The Pico Laser uses both the heat and light waves to target the ink. Accompanied by shorter energy pulses, this minimizes the possibility of thermal skin damage, making it a more practical solution for removing a tattoo.
Less Discomfort and Quick Recovery
Pico laser is not like the traditional tattoo removal, where the skin is to be left severely blistered and burned. It is designed to maximize the results while minimizing discomfort and leading to a quick recovery. Most Cambridge medical clinic sessions in Singapore last for around ten minutes; this seems a short time with less pain. Several individuals claim that the Pico layer feels like a rubber band is being rubbed against their skin repeatedly, which most people seem to consider very it to be tolerable for the shorter period taken for the procedure to be completed.