Leather has been one of the most sought after materials for bags and backpacks for years now. Ever since leather started being used for commercial purposes, people have simply fallen in love with its quality. Everyone loved leather for its durability and most of all beauty! And high quality leather handbags and backpacks were often seen as the epitome of luxury.
But of late, people have realized the need to save our animals. For the same reason, leather is not something that is preferred by many people, especially vegans. It is probably for people like them that God created faux leather.
Faux leather is very different from real leather and as such requires entirely different care procedures as well. And a faux leather backpack or bag definitely requires some special care for it to last you some time.
Now while purchasing a faux leather backpack online or in a physical store, you should have a keen eye for quality. You want your backpack to look like real leather or maybe even better. You also want it to be durable.
So here are a few things you can check to make sure you’re getting a good deal online:
- The color – Genuine leather is almost always black or brown. They can be available in many other colors, but it is always neutral shades that give a rick look. Hence, faux leather backpacks in neutral colors are very popular. However, for people who love color, there are many different shades and textures available including iridescent ones.
- The texture – Speaking of the texture, natural or real leather has a very distinct texture which is called its “grain”. Faux leather backpacks that have the same texture can definitely pass for real leather. Now the finer the grain, the better the quality.
- The shine – The common misconception is that a high sheen means good quality. But it is the opposite that is true. Patent leather though does have a high shine but that is because of the plastic coating.
Now coming to the care for leather backpacks:
- Cleaning with a soft dry cloth after each use is a good way to keep serious dirt and damage at bay
- Specific backpacks come with specific instructions. Make sure to follow them.
- Leather polish can be used every once in a while to keep the appearance top notch
- For stubborn stains, mild detergents or soaps can be used to clean up.
- A little hack is to try hairspray or alcohol for ink marks and the like.
- Be sure to air dry after cleaning.
Now backpacks are something that go through some rough use on a daily basis. So you definitely need to care for your backpack like it’s your baby. For one, it carries all your belongings and secondly, it is a considerable amount of investment. Now you don’t want that to go down the drain so fast do you?
Well, then go right ahead and purchase your very own faux leather backpack and do follow the instructions duly.