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Unusual Friendship Between a Feral Cat and a Bear at the Folsom City Zoo Sanctuary

A black cat and a bear are best of friends at the zoo sanctuary in Folsom. This cat showed up at the zoo from nowhere, and now she is staying in the bear exhibits home. Zoo keepers named her Little Bear.


“Every morning we scatter dog food for the bears and she started coming into the exhibit and eating the dog food,” said Jill Faust, senior lead zoo keeper. “Once she started coming in here on a regular basis we started putting food out for her in the morning as well.”

It is really unusual that this cat is a friend with a 550 pound bear named Sequoia.

“Sequoia walks right by her, she’ll walk right by Sequoia and they’ll stay pretty close to each other,” said Faust.

So many visitors are surprised by their friendship, some are even scared that the bear might hurt the cat. But they are really close and friendly. They’re both older animals and enjoy each other’s company.
