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Ways For You To Sleep Faster And Longer

We all want to be able to fall asleep easily and sleep soundly. Yet due to a number of different things such as stress levels, daily schedules, and even our individual anatomies, it isn’t always the case. For people who have difficulties falling asleep easily or staying asleep throughout the night, this can have a negative impact on their daily lives, including their health. It is something more and more people seem to be facing.

If you are looking for suggestions on how to get to sleep faster and stay asleep longer, we are going to look at some ideas that will hopefully help you with this:

Be aware of your sleeping position. It has been proven that people who sleep on their backs are more susceptible to sleep disorders that may cause them to wake up habitually and interrupt their sleeping patterns, such as sleep apnea. This sleep position can also cause back pains. These side effects can lead to poor sleep quality and even sleep deprivation.

Some experts say that sleeping on your side can improve your sleep quality. This sleep position does not block your airways as sleeping on your back can often do. It can also be a benefit to your heart and circulation. Pregnant women can also greatly benefit from this sleeping position, as it can help reduce reflux and heartburn.

Be sure you have the right mattress. Sleeping on the wrong mattress is one of the most common reasons for sleep deprivation. Having the proper mattress for you is one of the most imperative factors when trying to get to sleep fast and improve your sleep quality. Research has shown a direct correlation between the quality of a mattress and the quality of sleep.

By choosing the correct mattress, you can increase your sleep time and decrease your sleep deprivation. It will help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Shop around and be sure to choose a high quality mattress that is right for you.

Stay away from electronics before bedtime. Using electronic devices at night can disrupt your sleep pattern. This is because of the blue light that is emitted from almost all electronics. This blue light has been shown to slow or completely halt the production of melatonin in our bodies. Also, electronics cause a distraction and can keep us from realizing when it is time to go to bed. Whether it be your cell phone, television, computer, videogames, etc., make sure you turn it off or at least turn it on silent and put it away well before going to bed. This will help you get a good night’s rest.

Wear weather-appropriate clothes. Most of us don’t think about the correlation between body temperature and our sleep cycle. However, studies have shown that there is a direct relationship. Sleep onset insomnia is defined as trouble getting to sleep and has been directly related to a delayed temperature rhythm. That being said, wearing appropriate clothing at night can help regulate your temperature and get you to sleep comfortably and soundly. It has also been suggested to sleep in your birthday suit, as this can help regulate your temperature.

Control the room temperature. If you are not one to shower before going to bed, then perhaps you could try simply lowering the temperature in your room. The National Sleep Foundation states that the perfect sleeping temperature is around 65 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature is good for slowing down the heartbeat, digestion, and helping you get to sleep faster.

Wear socks to bed. Research has shown that having warm feet and hands can help you fall asleep faster. Having cold limbs can disrupt your sleep pattern and keep you from getting a restful night’s sleep. The NSF recommends putting on a pair of socks to warm up those feet in preparation for sleep.

Blow some bubbles. Sound a bit odd? Well, blowing bubbles requires you to breathe deeply and to focus deeply. They stimulate a deep breathing exercise that can help relax your body and mind and prepare you for sleep.

Try using acupressure. Acupressure was developed from the concept of acupuncture. By applying pressure to certain energy points on the body, this process is believed to restore balance and regulate the body and mind.

Try these steps for acupressure:

  1. Apply light pressure to the point between your eyebrows for one minute.
  2. Press on the point between your first and second toes for a while until you feel a dull aching sensation.
  3. Think of your foot in three sections, beginning at the tips of your toes and ending behind your heels. Find the distance one-third of the way back behind the tips of your toes and apply pressure on the sole of your foot in that spot.
  4. Then massage both ears for a minute.

This process should help induce sleepiness and relax your body in order to fall asleep quickly.

Spray/Sprinkle lavender in your room. The smell of lavender is not only lovely, but it has also been proven to help calm nerves and lower blood pressure in some people. Everyone reacts differently to certain smells, but for the most part, lavender is great for preparing your mind and body for bedtime. By inhaling this lovely scent, you can fall asleep faster and get a higher quality of sleep.

Try the 4-7-8 breathing exercise. This breathing technique was developed to help people fall asleep in as little as a minute. This technique releases carbon dioxide from the body and increases the amount of oxygen flow. It also slows the heart rate and relaxes the body.

Here is how to do it:

  1. Place your tongue behind your top front teeth and keep it there throughout the exercise.
  2. Exhale completely through your mouth, making an audible “whoosh” sound.
  3. Close your mouth and inhale through your nose, counting to four in your head.
  4. Hold that breath in to the count of seven.
  5. Exhale through your mouth, again making the “whoosh” sound, to the count of eight.
  6. Repeat three times.

Try doing some leg exercises before bed. We have all heard that exercising for bed is not conducive to sleep. However, exercises centered around your legs such as squats, leg lifts, etc. can help channel your blood flow away from your brain and down towards your legs. This can help clear your mind and prepare your body for a restful sleep.

After trying these tips, hopefully you will be able to find one that works for you and be able to get a good night’s sleep. Sweet dreams!