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Why Building a Zen Garden in Your Yard is a Good Idea

Working is a good way of earning enough money to live a comfortable lifestyle. However, work can become an issue when you bring the stress home with you. It’s important to balance work life with home life.

One good way of doing this is to create a zen garden in your backyard. Doing so gives you a tranquil space in which to relax and forget the stresses of your work.

What is a zen garden?

You may have heard of a zen garden before but not fully understand what one is. The practice of creating zen gardens began in medieval Japan. There are many famous Japanese zen gardens that you can visit today.

The idea of a zen garden is that it’s a calming space. Zen gardens are built using a collection of rocks, boulders, and gravel. The gravel is used to represent water. Alternatively, a real water feature can be included.

Rock and gravel are the only basic constituents of a zen garden that have to be included. This means that creating a Zen garden is relatively easy to do, which makes creating a zen garden in your home a good idea. You can create whatever size of the garden is best suited to your space.

Benefits of a backyard zen garden

Aside from the fact that having a zen garden close by is a valuable aid to relaxation, there are several other benefits that come with creating one of these gardens.

  • Easy to create using rock and gravel.
  • No plants are required unless you choose to have them.
  • Easy maintenance so that you do not have to spend a lot of time taking care of your outside space.
  • Perfect for areas of your yard which do not get much water.
  • Ideal for yards where normal gardens do not thrive.
How you would use a zen garden

Anyone can choose to have a zen garden as part of their outside space. It can simply be a decorative area which enhances the appearance of your yard.

However, traditionally the main idea of having a zen garden is that it’s a space where you can go and meditate. There are many benefits to be had from meditation, so it’s a good idea to use a zen garden for this reason.

Items to include in a zen garden

As we mentioned earlier, the only items that you have to include in a zen garden are rocks and gravel. However, there are other items that you may wish to include, to turn your zen garden into the best possible space for you. Here is a list of items that can be included when building a zen garden.

  • Rocks and boulders of various sizes.
  • Gravel to imitate water.
  • A real water feature.
  • A seating area for use when meditating.
  • A statue or other decorative feature for an added sense of relaxation.

Creating a zen garden in your backyard is not complicated. Once the garden is completed, it’s a perfect place to spend time relaxing and meditating, and it’s easy to maintain.