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Window Cleaning Tips in Winter

We get it; it’s cold, dark and gloomy outside, meaning cleaning the windows, and doing other bits of odd jobs around the house, is probably the last thing on your mind.

But keeping on top of the house work is important, it might even be one of your New Year’s resolutions, no matter how much you don’t want to do it. And keeping your windows cleaned in winter doesn’t have to be hard.

Why Keep Them Clean?

As with anything, when it comes to cleaning your windows keeping on top of cleaning them, even when it’s a bit gloomy outside, is a good idea. This will prevent you having a bigger job for you to undertake at the beginning of the spring/summer.

One of the other reasons it’s a good idea to keep on top of jobs such as this one is the fact that it will make your home seem like a much more welcoming environment. Having dirt and grime build up on your windows can make rooms in your house seem dirtier, as the views out of the window will be hindering the atmosphere inside.


Planning winter window cleaning and preparing for the cold weather is the key first step in keeping your windows clean in winter; don’t let dirt and grime build up!

What Youll Need

Having the relevant window cleaning equipment and chemicals will help you do an efficient job, even when the weather might be battling against you. Here, we list through a few key products that you will need to keep stocked so you can do an efficient job when it comes to cleaning your windows.

One key thing to remember is that in winter, surfaces might be slippy, and you may feel the cold much more when outside for prolonged periods. It’s a good idea to wrap up warm and keep your feet and hands properly protected.

Streak Free Shine

The one thing that we all want to achieve from a clean window is a streak-free shine, and with these products this couldn’t be easier!

A window cleaner that will effectively remove streaks, finger prints and any grime from the windows will present a much easier and efficient way to clean your windows.

You need to make sure you have all the right window cleaning equipment before you start the task. There are a range of products out there from streak free polish, bleached based cleaners and even drying cloths so as to reduce the amount of glare on the window.

Have a little patience!

With all cleaning jobs, the most important thing to remember is that it really benefits you to be patient. It won’t just happen overnight which means that it takes a little hard work but the results are worth working for.

Take the time to go over each window, clean it, remove any grime and then polish so that the results last as long as possible.

Routine Is Always Good

Whether this is a routine for when you clean your windows or a routine of how you clean your windows, or even both, then it is something to keep to no matter what time of year it is. This means working out how clean your windows look after using certain products and then making sure that you continue to do the same.

You’ll have the neighbors jealous of how great your windows look, even if you did freeze to death cleaning them!